This website concerns itself with books and videos about two kinds of warriors. They are so different that one might be confused as to why both are described by the same word. The first type is frequently described as a “grunt”. He belongs, or has belonged to a recognized military organization, and wages or has waged war against those his country considers enemies. The other type is the spiritual warrior who wages war against his own demons.
There are two connections. Here is a quote from Carlos Castaneda. “The difference between the warrior and the average man is that while the average man sees everything as either a blessing or a curse the warrior sees everything as a challenge.” This is true of both warrior types. The other is that if one has been the first type of warrior, he will have to become some version of the other to survive. They don’t have to follow the path described here, but they will need one from somewhere.
I have written books and produced videos of my experiences as both. Naturally I want them viewed or read. There has to be entertainment value for that to happen. I’ve been able to do this for a long time, so I believe that value is there. But there are other reasons for writing and producing this. One is personal survival. Once one has written everything they can about their battles those battles are objectified and consigned to the past. They become a different person, cleaned of the baggage of all that. But the best reason to produce entertainment about one’s pain is to show readers and viewers that there is a way out of the trap that we currently call post-traumatic stress syndrome, or viewed in another light, a realistic conception of the human condition.
Hopefully this website will provide a good intro to the path I have chosen, the Toltec tradition, and a motive to investigate this effective spiritual tool kit. It can save your life, and it can make your life. – Jim Morris
Latest Book Release: The Dreaming Circus
During his third tour of duty in Vietnam where he served as a Green Beret, Jim Morris was wounded badly enough to be retired from the army. He came home bitter, angry that his career had been ended. After reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, he realized that many members of Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters had also been combat officers. Following this spiritual “hint,” he spent the next couple of years as an acid head, even skydiving on LSD. Awakened by his LSD experiences, Morris immersed himself in the books of Carlos Castaneda, as well as in Kriya Yoga, Charismatic Christianity, and A Course in Miracles. From these experiences he was led to Toltec spiritual teacher don Miguel Ruiz and began a deep spiritual journey of change.
Sharing his journey from PTSD to spiritual awakening, along with insights about what drives a person on the spiritual path, Morris details his profound transformation from military warrior to spiritual warrior. He recounts his time as a civil rights advocate for the Montagnard people in Vietnam and his years as a war correspondent at the same time he was following Castaneda’s Warrior’s Way. He describes his momentous meeting with don Miguel Ruiz as well as his travels around the world and in the astral realms. Sharing how his wife developed dementia and later became paralyzed, Morris explains how it required all his Toltec training, all his military training, everything he had to share her final years in a meaningful and fulfilling way. Read more…
More Books by Jim Morris
Paladin is proud to reissue what is considered to be one of the best accounts ever written on U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam. Read more…
Above and Beyond is a novel about Special Forces reconnaissance in the Vietnam War. Read more…
Somewhere in the jungles of Vietnam, they became more than soldiers. They became…FIGHTING MEN. Read more…
DEA Agent Dave Perry has one last chance to save his career. He must frame a Cherokee medicine man named John Blue Sky for distribution of peyote. Read more…